Saturday 21 November 2009

Holy New Moon!!!!!

I went to see New Moon last night and boy, was it awesome!!!!!!
I don't care what any one says, what bad reviews there are, NEW MOON WAS AMAZING!!!!
The film had my attention straight away and it never let go. I cried FIVE times, went through three packets of tissues, but i never hyperventilated. Though i nearly did when i saw Edward for the first time... Swoon....
I want to say sorry to Roisin, her arm didn't survive....
I'm going to try and give my commentary on the film without giving too much away...

1: The vampires in New Moon act exactly how they are supposed to act. They are beautiful, their make-up is done perfectly and they move like they should, Chris is a genius!!!

2: The soundtrack fit in perfectly with the movie, and most of the scenes i'd guessed were actually right!! Except New Moon (The Meadow), i guessed it would be a flashback in Bella's dreams, but no.... It was something so much better, i cried again...

3: Kristen Stewart acted Bella so brilliantly, im not sure if i like her better in this or Twilight. I loved her in Twilight, i thought she portrayed Bella amazingly, but in New Moon... Ten Times better!!!!

4: Robert Pattinson was utterly breathtaking, this guy has got the looks, the acting skills and everything else to make Edward Cullen the ultimate guy (vampire guy). He even converted Pamela from Team Emmett, to Team Edward during New Moon. Well done Rob!!!

5: Victoria was brilliant in this movie, she got much more screen time than i thought she would, but i was happy, it fitted in beautifully.

6: Ashley Greene, i love you!! Alice was brlliant in this movie. That little jump over the stair rail, love it!! Alice was brilliant and she made me cry too, when she said.....

7: The Cullens were so funny, Emmett and Jasper were hilarious!!

8: The Volturi were amazing!! So scary!! Seriously, when Jane couldn't use her power on Bella, haha. AMAZING!!

9: The Phone call made me cry too. When it showed you Edward, his shirt torn, his eyes purple around the edges, looked like he was about to cry... Roisin calls him The Juicer now...

10: The Flashforward!!! Oh. My. Word. I was literally falling of my seat when Alice gave her hand to Aro and the scene changed. I NEVER in a million years thought that would happen, that we would actually see it. But we did and it was so amazing!! I was crying happy tears then...

11: The end scene!!! Rob recently done an interview and he mentioned that when he first read the script he thought the last line of the film (his line) was a bit cheesy, but when he acted it out it fitted in perfectly. I can confirm that that is true!! That line.... Edward's long pause had me sitting on the edge on my seat. When he said it, the whole cinema started clapping and cheering. And then the screen when black.... Brilliant ending, brilliant last line!!!!!

Hopefuly not a lot of spoilers there, if you haven't seen New Moon yet... (you crazy person) get down to the cinema right now and see it!!!!!

Lots of New Moon love, Sorcha. xx

Thursday 19 November 2009

NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Less than a day until New Moon and i cannot contain myself!!!! My apologies for not blogging for a while, ive been hunting down every piece of New Moon promotion that i can find... ive found so many interviews, posters and videos that i nearly burst...
I've booked my tickets for New Moon and i am sooo excited about seeing Rob in all his Edward glory!!!!
i've been dreaming about it since..... Well Twilight....
Me, my best friends Pamela and Roisin are getting out of school early to get ready, get to the cinema and get the best seats!!!
i even signed a contract with Pamela saying that, if i grab her during New Moon she has permission to nip me sooo hard that i cry... because i grab REALLY hard, especially when Edward comes on the screen....
So less than a day, and soon enough Twilighters we will have seen it!!! whooooo!!!!
plenty of blogging coming soon, including photos of me and my friends getting ready, and at the cinema, including one of me with the massive cardboard cut out!! i swear i will get a picture with it this time!!! i went to the cinema with my sister and i saw it for the first time and i FELL up the stairs!! i had a bruise for 2 weeks!!!!
So PLENTY of pictures coming!!!!
And have fun watching New Moon guys!!!!!!